
Dr. 辛西娅Olivo, 高等教育界公认的领导者, 从2023年1月葡京平台线上担任葡京平台线上第十任院长.

Dr. 奥利沃的职业生涯长达近30年, 作为公平的捍卫者, 学生的包容和学术卓越. Her time in educational leadership is marked by a student-centered philosophy that aligns with 葡京平台线上’s mission to empower students to achieve their educational goals.

Dr. Olivo personally identifies with the challenges faced by 葡京平台线上 students and the broader community. 她作为农民工孙女的个人经历, 单身母亲的女儿, 第一代大学生和第三代墨西哥人, 深刻地告知她在高等教育中的同理心和公平驱动的领导方法.

此前,博士. Olivo served as the Assistant Superintendent and Vice President of Student Services at Pasadena City College, 可供30人食用,000名学生. There she also served as the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Counseling and Student Success Services. 在加州州立大学, 她曾担任圣贝纳迪诺招生和学生招聘副主任.

Dr. 奥利弗的影响超出了葡京平台线上, serving as: the President of the Chief Student Services Officer Association; the President of the California 社区 College Organizacion de Latinx Guidance, 赋权 & Advocacy for Success (COLEGAS); and as a founding member of The Coalition, an organization that includes African American Male Education Network and Development (A²MEND) and Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education (APAHE). 她还曾在未来就业政策委员会任职 & 华盛顿的领导信任.C. 全国社区学院拉美裔委员会执行委员会成员.

Dr. 奥利沃的学历包括博士学位.D. 在克莱蒙特研究生大学的教育重点是城市领导, as well as a Master of Science in counseling and guidance and a Bachelor of Science in psychology from California State University, 圣贝纳迪诺.


注册总统每周电子通讯,直接从总统那里获得新闻. 提交信息,包括在周刊,电子邮件校园通讯在 校园.communications@ku88mobi.net. The deadline to include information for the Weekly sent on Monday is the Wednesday of the previous week.


Nitzya Hamblet
电子邮件: nhamblet@ku88mobi.net

金E. 福斯特
电子邮件: jfoster@ku88mobi.net



葡京平台线上 will use an inclusive and race-conscious approach to address persistent equity gaps.

目标1: 消除对黑人学生成功入学的不成比例的影响, 一年级英语和数学结业, 从秋天到春天的坚持, 完成学位/证书, 以及迁移成就.

目标2: Eliminate disproportionate impact for Latina/o/x students in 一年级英语和数学结业 以及迁移成就.

目标3: 增加基本住房保障使用, 食品不安全, 运输, 心理健康.

目标4: Improve the sense of belonging and mattering in shared 物理 and online spaces for students of color.

目标5:  Deepen engagement in DEIA-focused professional development for full-time and part-time faculty and staff.



目标1: 提高学生第一年的数学和英语的完成度.

目标2: 增加获得副学士学位的学生人数, 转学副学士学位, 和/或证书

目标3: Increase the number of students who transfer to a four-year university within one year of leaving the College.

目标4: 增加毕业后获得地区生活工资的学生人数.

目标5: Increase the number of Career Technical Education graduates who are employed in a job closely related to their field of study

目标6: 提高完成副学士学位的效率, 转学副学士, 或职业技术教育证书.

目标7: 减少在线课程和面对面课程在成功率和保留率上的差距.


葡京平台线上 will develop and strengthen collaborative projects and partnerships with educational institutions, 民间组织, 以及北奥兰治县及其他地区的企业.

目标1: Increase equitable access to Dual Enrollment courses and Pathway programs offered at local high schools.

目标2: Increase enrollment for student populations that disproportionately left the College after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

目标3: Increase collaboration around transfer pathways with local four-year universities and Career Technical Education partners.

目标4: Identify and implement environmental justice projects to serve environmentally disadvantaged students and employees.

目标5: 建立并扩大与地方企业和民间组织的合作.


葡京平台线上 will continually improve operational efficiency and effectiveness to ensure delivery of high quality instructional and support programs.

目标1: 创建一个清晰的, 全面的, 一个包容的过程来优先考虑人类, 物理, 金融, 技术资源.

目标2: Align and improve the planning and resource allocation processes to increase participation and transparency from 校园 stakeholders.

目标3: 改进技术基础设施以支持灵活的课程安排.


目标5: 制定、实施和评估校园特定的可持续发展计划.



  • 培养和加强以学生为中心的校园文化
  • 作为一个校园提供公正,公平,包容的教育经验
  • 落实阿纳海姆承诺,发展富勒顿教育伙伴关系
  • 营造尊重、文明、友善的校园氛围
  • 支持学生、教职员工的领导力发展


  • 每年在消除成绩差距方面取得进展
  • 提高学院范围内的转学率、副学士学位和证书结业率
  • Work as a 校园 community to be the top community college in transfer and educational goal completion


  • 制定、完成并实施校园引导路径计划
  • 完成18个月的认证跟踪报告,并保持我们成功的认证状态
  • 制定和实施加强组织架构的策略
  • Work with our 校园 to set and achieve appropriate FTES targets in accordance with district-wide planning and available resources
  • 支持葡京平台线上基金会的发展和财政可行性
  • Make timely progress on planning and construction objectives per our Campus Facilities Master Plan
  • 在校园和社区的参与下完成Sherbeck油田环境影响评估过程


  • 开发和加强双重招生的流程和基础设施, 阿纳海姆誓言和指引之路
  • Promote innovation and continuous improvement in our planning and governance structures to support student learning and support
  • Strengthen partnerships with business and community to promote a strong workforce and successful career outcomes for our students


Information on Fall 2022 校长公开论坛s and President’s Open Office Hours will be available soon.

If you have a question or concern you would like to share with the president before an open forum, 给Jean 福斯特发邮件: jfoster@ku88mobi.net 在总统办公室.



多样性 – We embrace diversity in our community and work to build on the strengths and opportunities it brings. 我们认识到,多样性具有多方面的交叉性.

股本 – We commit to equity for all we serve by eliminating injustices and barriers to students’ educational and career goals.

包容性 -我们设计的计划和决策过程包括所有利益相关者

反种族主义 – We recognize that institutional barriers based on perceived racial categories were erected over centuries and we commit to identifying and dismantling them.


归属感 – We promote belonging and connection that fosters the well-being of those on our 校园 and surrounding areas.

责任 – We accept our responsibility for the betterment of the world by identifying opportunities for leading our community to respond to local issues.

尊重 ——我们支持营造相互尊重的环境.

同情 -我们把学生当作一个完整的人来对待, 亲自识别他们不断变化的需求, 在学业上, 和专业. We adapt the institution in response to our shared understanding of who our students are and what they need.



增长 -我们创造一个个人和职业发展的环境, 支持, 并奖励我们社区的所有成员.

求知欲 – We encourage each other to ask questions that drive further inquiry, re搜索, and experimentation.

卓越 -我们以高标准对自己负责.




作为葡京平台线上的代表, 我们都有责任以诚信行事, 在集市上表演, 一致的, 公平的态度. 我们认识到我们的言行需要公开和可靠. 我们致力于以坦率和专业的方式解决问题, 不带偏见地与人交往. 作为一个教育团体的成员, 我们致力于在我们所做的一切中追求卓越, 并遵守本声明中确立的道德行为原则.

The conduct of each member of 葡京平台线上 is expected to be 一致的 with and to comply with the principles contained in this statement. 校园社区的所有成员都应参与以下活动:

  • 值得信赖的行为 ——包括在沟通和行动上的可靠、忠诚和诚实.
  • 有礼貌的行为 ——礼貌待人, 礼貌, 宽容, 和验收, 认识到它的价值, 每个人的尊严和独特的特征.
  • 问责制 ——对自己的行为和决定负责.
  • 公平公正的行为 -在决策过程中使用公平的程序.
  • 同情 -关心他人, 无论是在校园内还是校园外, and providing services to others in a manner that reflects our commitment to them and to their well being.